Saturday, June 13, 2009

yo new post again...erm...but i really dunnoe want to post wat xD...

Well, firstly I want to claim that I m fine now. Thanks for the concern. However, I dun wan to mention it again.

Nowadays juz sign up for facebook. So, I would try to update all my things there.

Lastly, here got a test to determine whether which type of person u are. Some say accurate, but some say is bull shit. So, y dun try out urself ?

Here u go :
Whats is your action when see somebody lie on the road?

1. walk away
2. go in front to see who is him then walk away
3. help him to get up
4. take a picture of him
5. give him some money
6. stare and observe him for a long time

Don't look at the answers 1st o !!

Here are the answers :
1. kind
2. evil
3. fake
4. materialism
5. stingy

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