Friday, June 5, 2009


Now is so nervous sial~~ haha....ya....the competition is on next tuesday 9-6-2009. My select song is Nicholas Teo 张栋梁的错了再错 ( cuo le zai cuo). The mv of this song is about a boy who coincidence meet 1 girl and fall in love with her. However, the girl is not appreciate the love from him yet he keep tolerate her betrayal when realised that she meet other guys. But in the end of the mv, two of them finally realise together and realise how important of each other in their heart.

However, this time, I only gt 2 minute - 2 minute 30 seconds to sing this song, thats mean half of this song. So, i only need to bring out a feeling that the boy is been hurt but stil believe in her girlfriend will realise his love.Yet, since I hvt involve in a relationship before, so I don't think can express this kind of feeling so nicely la...But,I will try my best! Since I maybe got some kind of this feeling during my secondary school life just maybe I forget le. Haha!

Oh ya, lastly, I will announce that my school will be start on 6July. So, I maybe will kinda busy o !!

Again, wish me luck o !! I wish all the best to all of my friends too !!

Happy forever ^.^

1 comment:

pHiLLips oNg said...

Yo!!!! Good luck with the competition!!! I'm sure to be rooting for you!!!