Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Helo everyone ! I m here again to post my new staff for u all.

As a notice to all of my friends, I will be kinda busy nowadays because the singing competition is round in corner again ! Wow, I am sooooooo nervous now! Since the failure of last year, I had realise what was my weakness and try to overcome it ! Wish I can improve myself ! Haha...The song that i will be singing is a song that sing by Yoga Lin during his competition 《超级星光大道》- --《我爱的人》!

Well, maybe some of u may laugh very loudly now. But, I WILL NOT easily give up to archieve my goal! As long as people live, they will have their own goal. However, not everyone can archieve their goal in a short time or maybe until the very late age only can archieve his goal. But, the most important things is that, THEY WILLING TO GIVE OUT EFFORT FOR THEIR DREAMS !This is so meaningful!

And lastly, I want to inform my friend that my msn lately cannot signed in. I dunnoe y. So, maybe u all can sms me or leave ur msg in my blog. I will reply soon. ^.^

Good luck for those who studying and working !

1 comment:

pHiLLips oNg said...

really?? when??? Can't wait for u to sing again o...Haha...GAMBATTE!!!