Monday, April 27, 2009

WOW ! Me gonna resign soon == it is kinda hard for me to do this decision d lo...

The 3 months i working at there, I know a lot of friends, see many types of customer also. However, I had learn a lot of things at there.

Now, wondering how will be my new job is. Worried about this and worried about that. Luckily, i heard this sentence in a japanese animate : " COURAGE IS WITHIN OUR HEART ".That is a nice animate indeed-- SOUL EATER ! Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, and Patty and Liz Thompson are the characters SOUL EATER revolves around.

My feelings towards anime is soooooo weird. I felt lost when no anime can watch ^^

WEIRD ~~ now i have more free time to watch these anime i like, y har? i also dunnoe. ==


yeKGuo said...

wah, going to resign le neh ...

Ur world is controlled by you (or your destiny) , no matter what ...

You are still ming wei ... haha .. i feel lost when wanna say something formal ... ok lah ...

hav a great time watching anime .. cos it's a Universal language for whole world's teenagers ...

Janice Lee said...

Ming Wei Long TIme No Chat Or See Already...
Why You Going To Resign Soon???
Why You Decide To Resign???
So Fast Already Work For 3Months???
So What You Going To Work Now???
Gosh Still Want To Watch TV???