Monday, January 5, 2009

钱难赚 !

Haiz.....finally I get my off day today......phew~~ Anyway, as my "promise" I will try my best to post up new things if there got time available. So, how is my work har? Well, it was tough! Can say is totally out of my imagination ! I start my work at 11am but I nid arrive there 20minutes before the working time...wat the.....and i nid to spend more than 20minutes to end my account and all stuff after my working time.....and the salary is so.....and har the worst thing is everyday i been found to lost rm1 in my cashier box......I dun noe why......Sienz oh! Some of my friends also ask me why i don't quit my job to find a job with higher salary and shorter working time? I was wondering also.......Why i also stubborn? Is it i really enjoy this kind of job? As I had get used of my koperasi it the reason? I dun know......Maybe some day i will find my own reason......Everyone now are planning for their futher....want study at what course......but for me? family does not enough to afford me to further study.....thats only i can my only hope is that i can get my sholarship or wat to continue my study.....if not, at least let me get my job with higher salary.....Anyway i must say sorry to all my friends because even Chinese New Year also i got work.....really wat the money face d.....POPULAR =.=

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