Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hey no time use my english to write anything le leh....quite nervous.....haha!

Firstly,i would proudly "announced" that i had finally change my handphone! I so happy!

Today i go kerrys at about 11am....It is so early,u know? Yesterday i can't fall in sleep again....zz.....I sleep at about 3am tired!

Then about 3pm, the whole class (almost) arrive and discuss something(but i dun know what they discuss about because it is so boring yet i m so tired....sorry guys!)

About 4 something, we all take bus to Pandan The Store there because all of us are boring....haha!
Then about 6pm, we start our steamboat! Hurray! I was so full when about 9pm. Then, unexpectable things appear in front of me! It was a stage! I know what i will be experience...I was being called by my friend to sing some song.Shit! No new song,haha! But luckily i stil can recognise
some of the old song.Accidentally i felt nothing nervous or fear....haha....(maybe just i don't know?! hehe!)

I went back at about 10pm.The father of Ong chan is so nice to fetch me home.

Today is a nice day!

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