Thursday, November 20, 2008


When a person is seeking our forgiveness for his mistske that had done, we take a long time to consider wherther want forgive him or not. Howerver, when we had forgive him, can we forget what he had done to us? It may take us a life time to forget their mistakes especially when he had destroy our life or family or our reputation....these things is we will never forget even when we are old...So,why not give ourselves a rest and let an empty space in our brain to store up other happy memories? Lastly i advise all is, do not regret when you had lose a friend....think twice when you planning to do your friend forgiveness with our sincerely.....Got any comments or idea for this post, feel free to type it in chatbox, i will take time to discuss with you all....thanks.....and here i want to thanks those who had visited my blog with my sincerely.....thanks u guys....

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