Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well, if you are a friend of mine, u must know i am member of Red Cross Society in SMKST. Here, i would like to share my experience with all my friends. At first, when i was in Form 1, i don't really remember why i will choose to enter this unit. Maybe is because when my primary school i was entering Red Cross as well? Who knows? So i decide to enter it. A year after i join Red Cross, i have my ambitions.I want to be the SM in this unit.So, i try very hard to achieve this goal. However, i change my view since Form 3. I begin to realise that do a SM or Sargent(Sarjan) is not an easy stuff.You will need a lot of responsibility and capability to decide things that may totally ruin this unit reputation if you are not making the right choise.So, i begin to limit my ambitions.I want be a kopral! Besides that, I will not feel any embarrasing when i become a Sargant or SM when facing those nco who their performance is better than me. I don't want this to happen! When form 4, i was being promoted to become a Sargant. I feel happy but worry. However, i try as hard as i can to put the effort into this unit. I become fiercer than before. But no one scare me actually. However, some members begin to hate me and didn't even talk to me. I was so sad. But i will not give up even now i have become a senior and does not need to manage this unit anymore. Here, i just want to let those people know that I m not evil, ok? Try to understand me....

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