Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, first i would like to apologise for my broken english...Anyway, i m here just to share some of my opinion and experience with all the readers...For me, exam is a tough things that must experience by all the students...Until now, i seldom see or heard someone who is really enjoy examination...Nowadays, students like to compare.No matter is the results of exam, the positions in the class or even the comment from teachers, they all like to compare. The main goal of exam is to test the level of students in their study. But now, exam has become a murderer which kill many students.Without a good result, a student cant't get their rewards from others.Besides that, they will become desperate and commit suicide in the end.A student who doesn't archieve good result or active in cocuriculum cannot even get a job to survive in this competitive society.So, a person should have open minded to receive any comment and try as hard as possible to archieve their goals in life.This society is very cruel.Only those who are strong can survive.Those who are weak will be left no choice in their life.They will be desperate,regret then death in the end.

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