Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yo, I m here to update my post again xD....I feel happy lately rite? haha....all becoz I had watch a really nice show -- TANG XIN FENG BAO 溏心风暴. This show is mainly talk about Tong Yan-Gai owns a dried sea-products and abalone store. He is married to Ling Hau and also has a second wife called Wong Sau-Kam . He has 4 children: Tong Chi-On , Tong Chi-Yat, Tong Chi-Foon , through the second wife and Tong Chi-Yan. However, after Ling Hau died of cancer, Wong Sau-Kam and Sheung Joi-Duk begin their "revenge" as punish the Tong family's "mistreatment"by owning the family fortune. And the ending part is mainly nice but somehow will need some imagination so that u can eventually found out what happened to them after the case had finished. As a result of that, many people say that the ending is not nice since many mystrious part did not explain very well and many parts had been cut also.

When I watching this show, many parts touched me and i nearly cried out. xD erm...maybe is becoz I m too soft heart? haha... anyway... after my resignation at Besta there, I think I would mostly spend all the time to watch the 2nd season of Tang Xin Feng Bao -- Jia Hao Yue Yuan 家好月圆。But, if who wan ask me out, I would try to take out the time with u all de !! haha...

Keep in touch ...

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