Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today Raymond Lam - Lam Feng (林峰) come City Square to promote the AliCafe ! Wow, not only he handsome and man too, but the coffee taste nice leh ! haha^^ Oh ya, i get his poster as well ! is all the beginning of my future. I think ? With the help of my best friend and his mother, I m able to do make a big decision that will really really affect where my future lead to.

Thanks to them, I am soon able to clear the path with that Metropoint College ! Besides that, soon I will be study in Southern College, 17.8.2009. However, not everything is so smooth. Besides the finance problem, my mum is also a resistance. to say ya? I also dunnoe...

But for all the effort they do, I feel sooooooo touch u noe? But 1st, cross my mum that stage....LOL

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