Monday, October 13, 2008

Hei, I know some of my friends (almost everyone) is complain to me about all the introduction for my most favourite animate.So, here i apologise and i would like to tell all of my friends that I would introduce those animate i love as soon as possible.Hence, I will just jump to the top 3 favourite animate to all of you. Thanks you.

3rd Tsubasa

Sakura is the princess of Clow Kingdom, which is ruled by her older brother, King Tōya. Her childhood friend Syaoran is a young archaeologist. Meanwhile, ghostly wings appear on her back and a mysterious force begins to pull her into the walls of the ruins. Syaoran rescues her in time, but her wings are scattered across dimensions. In order to save Sakura, Syaoran must journey to retrieve her wing's feathers, the fragments of her memories. Yukito sends Syaoran and the unconscious Sakura to the Dimensional Witch, Yuko. There he meets Kurogane, a rough-mannered ninja banished from his world by Princess Tomoyo, and Fay-D. Flourite, a magician who fled his world to avoid King Ashura. I shall skip the summary here and you shall enjoy it urself.

TSUBASA翼》的故事中,首個世界是沙漠城市──玖樓國(TVB:古羅國)。少年小狼多年前,跟隨養父考古家藤隆來到這國家,希望發掘該國的翼形遺 跡,以解開玖樓國的歷史之謎。小狼因此認識了玖樓國中的各人,包括與他青梅竹馬的小櫻公主。二人一直互相心儀,但小狼礙於身分問題,一直不敢表白。藤隆辭 世後,小狼繼承父親遺志,繼續挖掘和研究工作。可是,在一次小櫻及其兄長桃矢國王的探訪中,遺跡突然發生異動,小櫻的記憶化作了羽毛,飛散消失。神官雪兔 一面照顧受了傷的國王桃矢,一面告訴小狼:小櫻的記憶羽毛已經飛散到不同的次元世界裏,要救回小櫻,必須收集回小櫻的羽毛。接下去的情节就要大家去观看咯。。。

Character 主角介绍

小狼 Syaoran


小櫻 Sakura


黑鋼 Kurogane


法伊·D·佛羅萊特 Fay D. Flourite


˙摩可拿 Mokona Modoki

李「小狼」 Clone Syaoran: "The Clone"


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